
Diane Lee & Associates

I have had some virtual sessions with Courtney and have been so grateful that you've been open for virtual sessions. I see so many different therapists, so with all of them cut off I was feeling pretty afraid of my progress going backward. I'm not sure how it was for others, but for me, the slow down and being away from outside stimulation is actually good for my brain, so working with Courtney on doing at home therapy has been amazing. She has worked with me on finding the right at home yoga programs for me, good additional stretches, how I can use things I have at home to relieve pains in my neck and back, breathing exercises and even starting some eye exercises. The bonus for me is that before COVID I would have never had the energy or I would have been too dizzy to do yoga or to often go for a walk and eye exercises were difficult, but now I can often find the energy and spots where I'm less dizzy to do some or all of these things through the day. I've just been really impressed by how Courtney not only adapted to COVID, but also to me and looked at how my life has changed and what my needs were.

Thank you Diane for opening up for these sessions. It has helped me tremendously through this time and has also given me a new perspective on my healing process as well.