Registered Massage Therapy at Diane Lee & Associates offers a distinctive experience beyond typical massages.
Assessment and treatment will identify the regions in your body that require release for you to move in ways that reduce load, or stress, on the symptomatic regions. In other words, treatment is directed to the cause of the problem, not the symptoms. Massage therapy uses a traditional approach, flowy movements, and a variety of active and passive stretches to gain new length for your muscles.
When required, a collaborative approach that includes Physiotherapy, Yoga therapy and/or Pedorthics will be offered to optimize your recovery.
Massage therapy can be helpful and effective in the treatment of many common conditions.
We offer services such as prenatal and postpartum massage for pregnancy related concerns and can treat conditions including, (but not limited to), carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, headaches, lower back pain, osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, and so much more.
What to Expect
For your massage therapy session, we recommend wearing clothing that you feel comfortable in. In each session, your therapist will explain evaluations, treatment plans, and draping styles that will be tailored to your comfort. Treatment may involve techniques such as manual therapy, joint mobilization, and rehabilitative exercise. A hypoallergenic massage gel may be used during your session.
What goals do you want to achieve through massage therapy?
During the assessment, your therapist will review with you the benefits and alternatives of massage therapy in relation to your physical condition and current goals. To get the most out of your massage therapy session at Diane Lee & Associates, come prepared to learn as we empower you to make the changes in your own body through knowledge, movement, and awareness!
Throughout your session, your therapist will ask a series of relevant questions about your treatment to date to narrow down where the hands-on massage will take place. Your therapist will guide you through various ranges of motion, palpation (hands-on assessment of the muscles) and functional testing.
Following your massage, your therapist will conduct a post-treatment evaluation which includes review and discussion about your progress.
Massage therapy is not a passive therapy. Based on what was found during your appointment, you will be provided with stretches to help increase the longevity of the massage benefits and help you reach your goals faster.
Appointments are scheduled depending on the recommendation of your treating massage therapist and are not bookable online. We do limit the number of appointments booked per patient due to limited space and availability.
To book your massage therapy appointment, please contact our front desk team during office hours: 604-538-8338.
For more information on pricing, please visit our Patient Info and Pricing page.