Amy Morey

Registered Massage Therapist

Amy has been a practicing massage therapist since 2018. She graduated from the University of British Columbia in 2016 where she earned her Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Psychology. Driven by a fascination for anatomy and a heartfelt desire to make a positive impact, Amy discovered her calling in massage therapy.

She graduated from the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in 2018 where she received her diploma in Registered Massage Therapy. Amy has continued her educational journey by earning diverse certifications to enhance her practice. She completed the Basic Course at the Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School. She has also pursued An Evidence-Based Approach to Massage Therapy, enhancing her skills to provide effective care. Additionally, Amy has begun studying a series of massage therapy courses that focus on massage during the childbearing years. She has successfully completed Part 1 which focuses on pregnancy-related techniques. These certifications reflect her dedication to continuous learning and her commitment to offering comprehensive and informed care to her clients.

Amy has gained experience working with diverse bodies, specifically in pre and postnatal massage as well as conditions related to the spine. Being a mother herself, Amy understands the immense value of pre and postnatal massage. She personally found it beneficial for alleviating low back discomfort during her pregnancy. She is passionate about how massage therapy can facilitate the restoration of a strong mind-body connection, especially post-pregnancy. Amy’s approach to massage therapy is strongly rooted in her belief of communication in conjunction with functional testing and hands on assessment to help you feel restored and get back to living your life the way you want.

When Amy is not at work, she enjoys quality time with her family. Whether she’s strolling along the beach with her son, whipping up delicious treats in her kitchen, tending to her garden, or enjoying a round of golf alongside her husband, Amy enjoys a range of activities. During quieter times, you’ll often find her cozied up on the couch with her cat, engrossed in a book or indulging in a reality baking show.

Having been a patient at Diane Lee Physio prior to joining the team, Amy recognized a strong resonance between her core values and those upheld by the clinic. Of particular significance was the mutual commitment to cultivating a science-based approach, prioritizing the development of comprehensive care plans aimed at guiding patients toward a full return to their cherished activities.


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